Anderson Secondary NCC Land Unit Blog
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Anderson Secondary School NCC Land Unit

Consisting of Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Companies
Teacher Officers : Mr Esfan Rizal Rahwom , Mr Ng Wei Da, Mr Eu Lee Chung Don, Mr Mehervan Singh

USM: MSG Muhammad Fauzan
ASM: MSG C. Yogaraj
Part C PS : SSG Nasrul Hadi
Part B PS : SSG Khairul Syahmi
Part A PS : SSG Loh You Jun
PDS Head : SSG Sean Low
Discpline Head : 2SG Tong Ke Hui
PnP Head : SSG Nicholas Goh
PTI Head : SSG Darren Ng
Medic Head : 2SG Khair Dinie
Logistics Head : 2SG Lim Jia Jin
Admin Head : 2SG Edgar Lin

Training days: Every Wednesday and Friday (3pm - 5pm)

Achievements :
2010 Best Unit Competition, Gold Award
2009 Best Unit Competition, Bronze Award
2008 Best Unit Competition, Silver Award
2007 Best Unit Competition, Silver Award
2006 Best Unit Competition, Silver Award
2005 Best Unit Competition, Silver Award

The Singapore National Cadet Corps is a world-class organization that nurtures responsible ,resilient and resourceful cadets to become successful citizens.

We, the members of the National Cadet Corps and youth of the Republic of Singapore, do hereby pledge to be loyal to the Republic and the Corps, and to maintain a high standard of discipline and performance so that we may better serve our country.

Music Playlist at

Total Defense
NCC (Air)
Girl Guides
St. John Ambulance Brigade
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011

Focusilate Designs
Please note that there will be NCC Training tomorrow, Wednesday. Fall in at the canteen in your FULL NO.4 by 1450Hrs.

3SG Nicholas Goh

We found ourselves a home, a home, a home sweet home!

Note to all: There is NCC Training tomorrow. Fall in at the canteen in your FULL NO.4 by 1500hrs. Latecomers and those wrongly attired will be punished duly

3SG Nicholas Goh

We found ourselves a home, a home, a home sweet home!

Please be reminded that there will be NCC Training tomorrow, Wednesday, 21Jul10. Fall in at the canteen in your full PT Kit by 1525hrs.

3SG Nicholas Goh

We found ourselves a home, a home, a home sweet home!

21 Jul- independent UG training
23 Jul- Parade rehearsal
28 Jul- independent UG training
30 Jul- Parade rehearsal
2 Aug- final preparations
4 Aug- Parade rehearsal
6 Aug- ND 2010 parade + celebration

Parade participants

Special NCC Performance contingent (with SBO and Camo)- part Cs
Parade commander- NCC part C (will lead parade once he takes over from parade RSM)
Parade RSM- NCC part C (will lead marching contingents in)
GOH- NCC part Bs led by one NCC part C
Flag bearers- State flag (NCC), School flag (NCC), NCC flag (NCC), SJAB FLAG (SJAB), NPCC flag (NPCC), Girl Guides flag (Girl Guides)
Armed escort- equally represented by all UGs
Pandan markers- SJAB, NPCC, Girl Guides (to be decided)

Brief Parade Sequence

NCC SBO contingent will enter first (run in with war cry and henta kaki, once they berhenti, the PA crew will sound the marching music

PC will take his place at front of parade square to await the contingents

RSM will lead marching contingents in from holding area

RSM will order marching contingents to berhenti and face the podium, take dressing and face front

RSM will report to PC

PC will take over, RSM will take his place at back of parade square

PC commands contingents to attention and to salute

State anthem will be played

PC commands for Pledge taking

Student Councilor president leads Pledge taking

PC will command contingents to stand at ease

Mrs Poh will give NDP speech

PC commands contingents to stand at attention and requests permission from Mrs Poh for march past

PC commands contingents to turn right and to be ready for March past

PC takes his place at front of contingents ready for march past

PC gives command to march past

Contingents wheel at top right hand corner of parade square and respond to Pandan markers' commands

Coningents march back to holding area

2Lt Don
ND 2010 Parade Officer Conducting


We found ourselves a home, a home, a home sweet home!

Please note that there will be NCC Training tomorrow,16Jul10. Fall in at the canteen in your FULL No.4 by 1500hrs. People who are late and in the wrong attire will be PUNISHED.

3SG Nicholas Goh

We found ourselves a home, a home, a home sweet home!

Reminder: Please note that there will be NCC Training tomorrow, 14 July 2010, Wednesday. Please fall in at the canteen in your FULL PT KIT by 1515Hrs. All latecomers and those wrongly attired will be entitled to try out different kinds of punishments, in other words, SEVERELY PUNISHED. Part As will be having their PDS Selection test tomorrow. All absenteeism have to be backed by a GREEN SLIP which can be obtained from the teacher officers.

3SG Nicholas Goh

We found ourselves a home, a home, a home sweet home!

Reminder: There is NCC Training this Friday, 9 July 2010. Fall in at the canteen BY 1500 hrs in your FULL NO.4 (Includes your headgear). Those who do not wear smart no.4 or are late for training will be SEVERELY dealt with.

3SG Nicholas Goh

We found ourselves a home, a home, a home sweet home!

NOTICE: There is NCC Training on the 7Jul2010(Wed). Fall in at the canteen in FULL PT KIT at 1515 sharp. There is PDS selection for the Part As. Part Bs going for IMT are reminded to bring their No. 4. Good luck for your IMT.

3SG Nicholas Goh

We found ourselves a home, a home, a home sweet home!

Reminder from Mr Eu: Please be advised that the TKM Seminar is moved forward to the September Holidays(4-12Sept).

3SG Nicholas Goh

We found ourselves a home, a home, a home sweet home!

Reminder: There is NCC training on 2Jul 2010, Friday. Fall in at the canteen in FULL no.4 by 1500 sharp. Please be punctual for the training.

3SG Nicholas Goh

We found ourselves a home, a home, a home sweet home!

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